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What is the Purpose of the USAFA Candidate Kit Due Date? (updated 2024-25)

Writer's picture: LTC Brechin, USAF, Ret.LTC Brechin, USAF, Ret.

Updated: Sep 20, 2024

What's it all about?

US Air Force Academy Portal and Candidate Kit

You may have just opened the U.S. Air Force Academy application or "Candidate Kit" and saw a due date or a "deadline." You will note the example below. The problem is that this date is not January 31. You may be wondering, what does this date mean and why does it exist?

AF Academy Candidate Kit Deadline

In simple terms, the Candidate Kit due date is USAFA's way of 'pushing' candidates to accomplish the major applications steps in a timely manner. Procrastinators may not like this four-month window, but it allows the AF admissions team to pace delivery of the key pieces of the application. Note the AF Admissions states they will close your application if you have not completed all required items by the stated deadline. The three items that may remain after the deadline are your nomination(s), DoDMERB medical/eye exams, and your ALO interview.

All actions, including updates to your records, are due on January 31, which is the deadline for all of the U.S. service academies. USAFA is simply requiring an earlier set of actions. If you look closely at the Candidate Kit checklist, you will note another set of items that AF Admissions recommends that you complete first. Each is indicated by a # symbol.

When you finish the tasks marked with a pound sign or hash mark (i.e., a # symbol), you will kick-off two important steps:

  • The AFA will request that the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB) initiate the medical examination process for you.

  • Your Evaluator Air Force Liaison Officer (ALO) will be assigned and listed on your candidate portal.

For repeat candidates who are reaccomplishing their application this cycle (2024-25), you will note that this process is different than in prior years where a candidate had to complete the entire Candidate Kit in order trigger the medical evaluation and the ALO interview.

Both new and prior applicants will notice another important change. Individual sections, such as the Résumé ("Resume") section, will require you to save it for later updates or to 'submit' it. For the latter action, you will have one more opportunity to review the completed section as an interim step, and then with your submission, it will lock' your entries in place. Thus, be sure to review your sections thoroughly prior to submitting them.

Within about two weeks of completing the 10 #-marked items (or 11 for military members), DoDMERB will send you an email. They will direct you to create an account on the DoDMETS website (as shown in the example below). On the DoDMETS site, you will complete an extensive medical questionnaire and then schedule a local set of examinations: a physical exam and an eye exam.

DoDMERB email generated by AFA Candidate Kit

Another important detail will be revealed after completing all of the #-marked items. You will learn the name of your Evaluator ALO along with her/his contact information. You should reach out to the ALO in a timely manner to schedule your interview. I recommend that you attached your résumé to the note along with any other details you might want to share. Note that the ALO will not be located near you so a video platform will likely be used for the interview.

Another new feature of the AFA Candidate Portal is a full checklist that is available from the very start of the application process. You can see the example below. In past years, it would reveal only after you submitted the completed Candidate Kit. You will note that each Checklist item will be marked as "Incomplete" or "Complete." There are 23 tasks, which include recommendations from the teachers that you listed, completing the CFA, conducting your interview with you Evaluator LO, and finishing your DODMERB medical and eye exams. Refer to your copy of the 'Instructions to Candidates' for more details.

USAFA Candidate Checklist

For the Candidate Fitness Assessment, or CFA, AF Admissions expects a candidate to complete their exam and submit it through your CFA administrator prior to the Candidate Kit due date or deadline. Note that you may 'take' the CFA as often as you like; however, you may only submit scores one time from one CFA result.

One last point: after you return the Candidate Kit, you should to update your Admissions team (Blue or Silver) on any new events, awards or similar additions to your résumé. For example, let's imagine that you earn Eagle Scout, or you are awarded a varsity sports letter in December after submitting the kit in November. Send an email to the admissions counselors noting the update, and if possible, attach some type of proof, such as a copy of the award certificate or similar corroboration.

Good luck completing your Candidate Kit. The deadline requires completion of all steps outlined; however, the application deadline is still January 31. Keep up a good pace, and you will be successful!

[I would welcome a chance to discuss details with you. I offer coaching services to pace and prepare you (and your parents!) for the entire Academy application process . . . including creating an admissions plan to complete the Candidate Kit! Contact me at chris@cbbrechin.com, 503.515.7406 or use my contact form on this website.]

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